miranda: beyond the streetsinsert 12
I quickly rushed to the toilet to vomit . I rinsed my mouth with water then sat on the toilet seat .
tshego:you should go and see a doctor for real .
me: I'll be fine .
her: it's been 2 days now and today we have to be at the bridal shower so this means you won't attend the wedding ?
me:i don't kn...
I quickly moved then vomited , god take me already I hate being sick .tshego rolled her eyes .
her:you know what ? it's fine .
she walked out of the bathroom . She'll be strong shame .
after about an hour of feeling sick I was finally better . I took a cold shower , I wore my black tight dress and Gucci flip flops . I took my shades and side bag . I went to my car then drove to the mall .
I arrived after a few minutes , I went straight to the chemistry . I bought 2 pregnancy tests kits then went to the toilets then peed on them . I waited a few minutes .
all I am praying for is that I shouldn't be pregnant . I hate babies with everything in me .
I checked the kits they were both negative . I sighed .
I looked at myself on the mirror , I have gained weight , not in a bad way though , in a very good way , I even have a little belly .
I held my stomach and pressed it , gosh it's hard . I pulled up my dress and turned on the torch , that black line , the one that pregnant women usually have ? I have it !
i sighed and pulled down my dress , I fixed myself then went back to my car . I drove to the hospital , the pregnancy tests weren't showing real results shame i can feel it in my blood .
doctor:ms martens .
he said as she looked at the scan , the heart beat can be heard . I swallowed hard .
him: you're indeed pregnant , congratulations .
I swallowed hard .
him:4 months .
what the **** ?
he wiped the gel on my tummy , I fixed myself . he gave me the scan pictures .
I drove back to my apartment , it's already Friday night and tomorrow i have a stupid wedding to attend , I don't even feel like going to that wedding .
I arrived after a few minutes , I took a shower then wore my PJ's then ordered in . I am so hungry .
nkanyezi face timed me .
on call :
him:i missed your pretty face .
me:you didn't call all day yesterday .
him: I'm sorry sthandwa sam, I was very busy .
me:oh , too busy for your woman I see .
he sighed .
him: please don't be like that .
me:fine , i can't wait for you to come back , i have good news for you .
him:tell me already .
me:no , it's a surprise baby .
he smiled , I smiled too.
him:indoda yakho ithi forever wena ker sthandwa sam .
I rolled my eyes and blushed .
voice:BEST MAN !
someone said on his background .
him: that's my brother baby , i have to go . ngiyakuthanda .
me:i love you too
he winked and hanged up .
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